2024 Paving the Way Speakers and Workshops

2024 Paving the Way to Health Care Access Conference Speakers and Workshops

Linguistic Access is Health Care Access

The evidence for the importance of linguistic access in healthcare is overwhelming; it improves care, reduces disparities, and saves lives. It is also beneficial to health care providers and organizations. In this presentation, I will review the evidence. Using an interactive case-based learning method with the audience, I will present common cases of challenges to the provision of linguistic access and provide practical guidance on how to advocate to health care providers and organizations for linguistic access services.


  1. Be able to list the most recent evidence supporting the provision of linguistic access in healthcare;
  2. Restate the most common reasons health care providers and organizations say they do not provide them;
  3. Apply at least three advocacy strategies with healthcare providers and organizations to support the continued provision and growth of linguistic access services.
Elizabeth Jacobs, MD

Elizabeth Jacobs, MD

Bio:  Dr. Liz Jacobs is a physician leader and investigator with expertise in building research, educational, clinical, and faculty development infrastructure within academic environments and in partnership with other leaders and healthcare and community-based organizations. Her research interests include access to, and cultural specificity of, medical care delivered to patients, the impact of interpreter service interventions on the cost and quality of healthcare, health literacy and numeracy, and the role that trust in health care plays in racial/ethnic disparities in health care. She is passionate about access to equitable, high quality, timely care; the education

Embracing the Future: Overcoming Fear in the Age of AI for Medical Interpreters

Diana Pagano’s inspirational speech, “Embracing the Future: Overcoming Fear in the Age of AI for Medical Interpreters,” advocates for interpreters in healthcare to embrace AI as an empowering tool, focusing on the significance of adaptability, continuous learning, and optimism towards technological change. This presentation navigates the challenges faced by interpreters in healthcare. Acknowledging fears of job displacement and technological anxiety, Pagano explores the benefits of AI in medical interpretation, emphasizing it as a tool, not a replacement. Inspired by Dorothy Vaughn’s proactive approach to technology, she encourages a positive mindset and showcases success stories of interpreters thriving in the AI era. The speech emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning, professional development, and collaborative networking. In conclusion, Pagano highlights the significance of interpreters, and the positive impact of AI, and encourages the audience to approach the future with optimism.


  1. Dispel Fears and Misconceptions: Recognize common fears and misconceptions surrounding the implementation of AI in medical interpretation, highlighting the technology’s role as a supportive tool rather than a threat to the profession.
  2. Inspire Positive Mindset and Adaptability: Illustrate success stories to motivate medical interpreters to embrace change with a positive mindset, drawing inspiration from successful stories and emphasizing the potential for professional growth and development in the evolving landscape of healthcare technology.
  3. Empower Medical Interpreters for the Future: Demonstrate practical guidance on preparing for the future, emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning, pursuing additional training and certifications, and fostering collaborative networking within the healthcare and AI communities to enhance adaptability and resilience.
Elizabeth Jacobs, MD

Diana Pagano

Bio: Diana Pagano is the Executive Vice President at Interpreters and Translators, Inc., a rapidly expanding multimillion-dollar company located in Glastonbury, CT. In addition to her corporate role, Diana is a highly regarded inspirational speaker and author, specializing in human behavior and the impactful role of mindset in achieving success. She attained licensure as a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in 2014 and has since become a licensed NLP Trainer, propelling her into the international arena of inspirational speaking and influence. Diana’s profound understanding of the human mind and the crucial role of mindset led her to establish the “Make Things Happen” Movement, adding another milestone to her illustrious career.

Devoted to empowering others, Diana provides practical tools to help individuals realize their aspirations, cementing her reputation as a compelling motivational speaker. Her focus centers on empowerment, mindset transformation, and unlocking the full potential of her audience. Diana shares her insights globally, emphasizing the transformative effects of mindset on overall life success. Formerly based in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she earned numerous awards in real estate from RE/MAX International, Diana now serves as an advisory board member for Baypath University and actively engages in community initiatives. In her leisure time, she enjoys playing tennis and fostering community connections. Diana is also a dedicated spouse and parent, finding joy and balance in her family life with her husband and kids.
